Let’s stop hiding the shadow sides of life.


I want to normalize the “hard stuff” in life.

So much of what creates connection is normalizing our experiences and feeling like we’re not alone.

Why do there have to be so many secrets? Why is so much kept from the surface?

We hide failures, loss, struggles, sadness, and anger.

We hide the parts of us that make the journey to the “good stuff” worth it.

When I hear of someone’s tough time, I try to listen and normalize so they know they aren’t alone. Then, when the tides turn, I can fully celebrate with them. The highs feel higher when you know what it took to get there.

Each chapter of life comes with struggles. For example, sustaining or building a career while also growing a family. So many struggles of being a working mom, and the guilt that comes with trying to please too many people, are not commonly shared. Hiding the truth adds shame, like we shouldn’t feel this way or have this problem.

Well, I’m here to normalize it all. Each chapter of life has its unique hurdles. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is lying. We don’t always have to look at the bright side. We can humanize the experience that is life, good and bad.

Let me know if you’re looking for real conversations where honesty is key and results in deep connection and growth. This is a big part of my Retreat experience.

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