Introducing the

Truest You Community (TYC) is new membership-based community that aims to support you on your personal development journey. ♥

After years of one-on-one coaching, I realized there are multiple ways to impact and support women outside of my more intensive coaching relationships. Many of the women in my life greatly benefit from any conversation I have with them in a coaching capacity, so I decided to create a small, private, online community that focuses on live transformative conversations with women like you.

The TYC is for you if...

-You want to experience live coaching from me

-You are curious about getting support towards your goals

-You want to feel less alone in your journey

-You want to meet other women like you

-You want one place where you can work on your growth journey with the latest information

-You want to work on yourself at your own pace and on your own time

-You are willing to commit $49 a month and 1 hour of your time a month to yourself

-You are curious to learn more about coaching

-You have worked with a coach in the past and want some light support to keep you on track

-You have worked with me in the past and want a “tune-up“

-You’d like to come to The Retreat or experience 1:1 coaching, but this fits your budget better

What is group coaching?

Group coaching is when various women join together to either request support for themselves or witness and hold space for others to be supported. You can show up with a specific request for guidance, or you can show up for the community aspect. Either way, you will hear something that will impact you during the call. Much growth can happen with direct support, and even more growth can occur when witnessing someone else recieve support. It’s like growth through osmosis.

A significant benefit of group coaching is feeling connected to the other women on the call. Almost immediately, you feel seen and connected. The more you join in and get to know the other women, the more seen and supported you feel.

How does this work?

Group coaching calls will happen at least 1x a month via Zoom. The dates and times will vary each month, and all dates are posted 3 months at a time so you can block your calendar accordingly. All calls are recorded and posted to the private community so you can listen to missed calls anytime.

The membership is billed monthly at $49. You can cancel anytime.

I am so excited to share this new way of connecting with you! When ambitious women come together to learn and grow, magic happens. I hope you join in. ♥